Письмо #1 Списка Рассылки CGPUpdate@list.communigate.ru
От Кого: Technical Support <support@communigate.com>
Кому: <CGPUpdate@ru.stalker.com>
Тема: Выпуск очередной версии CommuniGate Pro: 6.1.11
Дата: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 16:57:07 +0300

Доступна новая версия CommuniGate Pro: 6.1.11

== Поддерживаемые лицензионные ключи: выпущенные после 1 февраля 2014 ==

Список изменений:

* Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.1.11 is included.
* MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
* EULA has been updated.
* STUN: unknown attributes cause errors only if they are in the "required" category.
* CardDAV: absolute references are supported in address book "multiget" requests.
* WebUser: the Crystal skin implements the support for identities.
* Bug Fix: 6.1c1: PBXLEG: some bridging scenarios might fail.
* Bug Fix: 6.1c1: CGI: incorrect format was used for the REMOTE_ADDR CGI variable.
* Bug Fix: 6.1c4: CG/PL: some complex CG/PL programs might fail to compile.
* Bug Fix: 6.0: IM: storing of IMs received while offline could not be turned off.
* Bug Fix: 6.1.9: AIRSYNC: initial sync might fail for some clients.
* Bug Fix: 6.1.10: QUEUERULES: the Vacation rule start date was processed incorrectly.
* Bug Fix: 5.0: CALENDAR: some complex time zone definitions were processed incorrectly.
* Bug fix: 5.x: XIMSS: non-routable addresses blocked remaining valid addresses from being included into replies.
* Bug Fix: 5.x: CLUSTER: some specific operations on shared folders might cause server crash.


Linux (rpm-based) - Intel

Linux (deb-based) - Intel

Linux - Intel (tarball)

Linux (rpm-based) - x86_64

Linux (deb-based) - x86_64

Linux (rpm-based) - PowerPC

Linux - ARMv6-11

MS Windows - Intel

MS Windows - x86_64

MacOS X (Darwin) - Intel

MacOS X (Darwin) - PowerPC

Solaris - Intel

Solaris - Sparc

FreeBSD 9.x - Intel

FreeBSD 9.x - x86_64

FreeBSD 10.x - Intel

FreeBSD 10.x - x86_64

AIX - PowerPC

Best regards,
Dmitry Akindinov.
When answering to letters sent to you by the tech.support staff, make
sure the original message you have received is included into your
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