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Тема: [CGP-Update] [*] Cloudmark plugin 2.7 released
Дата: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 13:35:05 +0300
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Cloudmark spam filtering plugin version 2.7 has been released.


Platforms available:
* Linux-x86
* Linux-x86_64
* Windows-x86
* Windows-x86_64
* FreeBSD9-x86
* FreeBSD9-x86_64

Changes from version 2.7:
 Includes Cartridge 3055.0.5 with the following changes:
 Performance enhancements:
  - The threading model has been re-architected to improve thread-scaling on
    most platforms.
  - The overall speed of Cartridge has been increased. Accuracy enhancements:
  Accuracy enhancements
   - The following underlying changes increase the accuracy of this release:
   - The MIME parser has been redesigned to better detect intentional obfuscation
     by spammers and expose more metadata so Cloudmark can improve accuracy.
     It is also faster and uses less memory.
   - URL parsing has been improved.
   - Zip files can be analyzed with more precision.

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