Письмо #20208 Списка Рассылки CGatePro@list.communigate.ru
От Кого: Technical Support <CGatePro@ru.stalker.com>
Кому: CommuniGate Pro Info <CGPupdate@mail.stalker.com>
Тема: [CGP-Update] [*] CommuniGate Pro 6.2c2 is released
Дата: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 06:01:30 -0700
# This message came to you from CommuniGate Systems, Inc.
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Major Release

The CommuniGate Pro 6.2c2 has been released:

== Valid Core License Keys: issued after the 1st of Mar, 2016 ==

Linux (rpm-based) - Intel

Linux - Intel (tarball)

Linux (rpm-based) - x86_64

Linux (deb-based) - Intel

Linux (deb-based) - x86_64

Linux (rpm-based) - PowerPC

Linux (deb-based) - ARMv6-11 (Raspberry Pi)

MS Windows - Intel

MS Windows - x86_64

MacOS X (Darwin) - Intel

MacOS X (Darwin) - PowerPC

Solaris - Intel

Solaris - Sparc

FreeBSD 9.x - Intel

FreeBSD 9.x - x86_64

FreeBSD 10.x - Intel

FreeBSD 10.x - x86_64

FreeBSD 11.x - Intel

FreeBSD 11.x - x86_64

AIX - PowerPC

AIX - PowerPC 64 bit

6.2c2 31-Mar-2017

* Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2c2 is included.
* DOMAINS: adding DKIM Signatures to outgoing messages has been implemented.
* PBXLEG: SendCallRegister() function is documented.
* RSIP: registration period is properly adjusted according to remote server responses.
* SIP: the "system overloaded" is now mapped to SIP error code 503.
* SIP: the RetryAfter parameter in SIP 503 responses is respected now.
* SIP: implemented the option to log call-related SIP requests and responses at the All Info level.
* SMTP: domain name in server prompt now follows the same rules as parameter to HELO/EHLO.
* SMTP: certificates from secondary domains can be sent when requested by the remote server.
* TLS: AES Galois Counter Mode cipher suites are implemented.
* QUEUE: Message revocation mechanism has been implemented.
* Bug Fix: PBX: 5.4: error code 423 was not handled correctly.
* Bug Fix: AirSync: 5.2: extra quotes might be added to real names in e-mail addresses and break formatting.
* Bug Fix: TLS: 6.1c processing client certificates could not be optional.

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# Send administrative queries to  <CGPupdate-request@mail.stalker.com>

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