Письмо #20247 Списка Рассылки CGatePro@list.communigate.ru
От Кого: Dmitry Akindinov <CGatePro@ru.stalker.com>
Кому: CommuniGate Pro Russian Discussions <CGatePro@ru.stalker.com>
Тема: Re: [CGP] CommuniGate Pro 6.1.17 is released
Дата: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 18:11:28 +0300

Настоятельно рекомендуется обновление до этой версии, особенно если используется интерфейс Pronto HTML.

On 2017-08-25 18:00, support wrote:
Minor/Bug fix Release

The CommuniGate Pro 6.1.17 has been released:

== Valid Core License Keys: issued after the 1st of Feb, 2014 ==

This version is higly recommended for deployment as it includes protection from possible attacks to WebUser (regular and Pronto) sessions.

6.1.17 25-Aug-2017

* Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.1.17 is included.
* MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
* WEBSKIN: extra protection from WebUser session stealing and cross-site scripting.
* WEBUSER: extra protection from WebUser session stealing and cross-site scripting.
* CALENDAR: updates to recurring items are processed even if original item is missing.
* TLS 1.2 compatibility with other implementations has been improved.
* SMTP: attacker IP is blacklisted also when errors are made in separate sessions.
* AIRSYNC: added workaround for task updates that miss task start time.
* Bug Fix: SMTP: some locally generated messages might be considered as relayed and blocked with restricted relaying settings.
* Bug Fix: HTTP: some requests with chunked encoding proxied to cluster backends might be processed incorrectly.
* Bug Fix: TLS: the server might crash on TLS handshake with incorrect elliptic curves parameters.
Best regards,
Dmitry Akindinov
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