Письмо #20400 Списка Рассылки CGatePro@list.communigate.ru
От Кого: Fred. Zwarts F.Zwarts@KVI.nl <CGatePro@list.communigate.ru>
Кому: CommuniGate Pro Russische discussies <CGatePro@list.communigate.ru>
Тема: New on mailing list.
Дата: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 09:59:41 +0100
Hello everyone,

Recently we installed version 6.3 of CommuniGate Pro. In the past we have had a lot of support from other users on the mailing list CGatePro@stalker.com, but it seems is does not work reliable any more in particular for version 6.3. I can not find another English mailing list or newsgroup on this subject, so I decided to subscribe to CGatePro@list.communigate.ru. Using Google Translate, I can understand most of what is discussed here. I hope you do not mind if I contribute in the English language.

Greetings from The Netherlands,

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