Письмо #20453 Списка Рассылки CGatePro@list.communigate.ru
От Кого: Fred. Zwarts F.Zwarts@KVI.nl <CGatePro@list.communigate.ru>
Кому: <CGatePro@list.communigate.ru>
Тема: log4j
Дата: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 11:23:36 +0100
The last few days there is a lot of noise about the log4j vulnerability. Most of the messages are about Apache, but https://github.com/NCSC-NL/log4shell lists a lot of other software. CommuniGate Pro is not in this list, but I found the following file on our system, apparently from the CommuniGate Pro installation:


My question is whether this indicates a vulnerability of our system? If so, are there instructions to fix the problem and also CommuniGate Pro should be added to the NCSC list.

Best regards,

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