Письмо #20505 Списка Рассылки CGatePro@list.communigate.ru
От Кого: Dmitry Akindinov dimak@communigate.ru <CGatePro@list.communigate.ru>
Кому: CommuniGate Pro Russian Discussions <CGatePro@list.communigate.ru>
Тема: Re: [CGP] [*] CommuniGate Pro 6.3.11
Дата: Thu, 12 May 2022 09:50:07 +0300

On 2022-05-12 06:00, Nicolas Hatier nicolas.hatier@niversoft.com wrote:

I confirm it's very likely linked to either the event or the trigger, as it happened again, this time on a test Windows server, immediately after the SendURL call was completed.

Thanks a lot for the pointer: confirmed and fixed for 6.3.12, due by the end of this may. If you need a build with the fix urgently, please let us know the platform.

On 2022-05-11 07:34, Nicolas Hatier nicolas.hatier@niversoft.com wrote:

Sorry, core dumps were not enabled.

I don't use the MB4 mailbox format

I don't use RPOP on that server.

On the last crash, CGP crashed again after a few seconds when I restarted it. Since the last log line was the SendURL trigger, I renamed Settings/EventsHandlers.settings and CGP started successfully. Once the queue cleared, I put back the file in place and restarted CGP again, and it started OK.

So, this might be related to either the numQueuedMessages event or the SendURL trigger, or to something that happens just after the trigger.

Best regards,
Dmitry Akindinov
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