Письмо #20527 Списка Рассылки CGatePro@list.communigate.ru
От Кого: Mailing List Admin CGPUpdate@list.communigate.ru <CGatePro@list.communigate.ru>
Кому: Объявления CommuniGate Pro <CGPUpdate@list.communigate.ru>
Тема: [!] 6.3.13 - English
Дата: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 13:45:15 +0300

We strongly recommend to upgrade your CommuniGate Pro instance to the
version 6.3.13, as the fixes, implemented in this version, close the
vulnerability that existed since version 6.3 and improve the security
of the CommuniGate Pro functions related to the use of  external
helper programs.

If for any reason you can not upgrade to version 6.3.13 urgently, we
recommend to remove or disable the qrlogin.wcgp script in the Basic
skin. You can do that by removing that file from the WebSkins
directory of CGPro Application directory and restarting the server or
by uploading an empty file with that name to the server-wide Basic
skin through the WebAdmin interface.

We consider security issues very seriously and will continue to
tighten our products robustness.

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Режим DIGEST: <CGPUpdate-digest@list.communigate.ru>
Режим INDEX: <CGPUpdate-index@list.communigate.ru>
Вопросы: <support@communigate.ru>

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